
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Baby Powell is GROWING!!!

Last night, Brian and I started reading On Becoming Baby Wise! We're only in the first chapter but I can already tell that I like the author and totally agree with his philosophy...Children are a blessing and are given to the parents to ADD to their relationship. He also reminds us of the importance of keeping our relationship strong and lively. I can't wait to read more!

27 Weeks Pregnant!

I am walking every day this week because I have to do the three hour glucose test on Monday since my levels were "slightly on the high end." I am also trying to cut back on carbs and sugars this week!:-) I haven't had any cravings so far and feel like I eat really healthy foods, so I pray that the test was wrong because I ate two pieces of bread that morning....My friend, Julie, warned me of that!


Peekaboos and Baby Coo's said...

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry that you have to do that three hour test. Do not eat anything....You will be fine!!!

Kara Powell said...

Hey! It's okay--haha; you told me I shouldn't have eaten!!! Oh well! By the way, your blog is really CUTE!

Y'all have so many exciting things going on now, and I know you'll love your new home in Forest Acres, and just think....If you outgrow that one and your parents need a new one, they can buy that one from you since they liked it so much!